Blogs on Human Resource Management

Pride Month – More than a Celebration

Pride Month – More than a Celebration

by Jaquina Gilbert on Jun 28, 2022
Every year, the essence of Pride Month mesmerizes the nation. From vibrant colors and exquisite artwork to the sheer joy on the faces of those who march in parades filled with the spirit of freedom- we find ourselves captivated by it all. The world watches as people of all ages, races, genders, and nationalities show pride in one of the many aspects that make our world diverse and beautiful. The LGBTQIA+ community and millions of advocates, allies, and accomplices work tirelessly to help the world understand why it matters. Drag shows, parades, workshops, and concerts are just a few ways we join in on the celebration. But the truth is, it's all much more than just a festive ball of fun. Pride Month is a commemoration, reminding us of how we overcame the tragedy, struggle, and injustice that once plagued a group of innocent patrons.       Remember Stonewall In 1969, a group of patrons was bombarded during their visit to a local bar known at the time for its gay and lesbian clientele. Law enforcement officers had been aware of the neighborhood bars and noted those who frequented them. On the morning of June 28, 1969, when the officers charged into the bar, they were met with fierce resistance by those who would undoubtedly stand up for their right to be both confident and accepted. Although the bar patrons were among the first to fight against the injustice, many others later engaged in successive spur-of-the-moment protests and riots that later became known as the Stonewall Rebellion, also referred to as the Stonewall Uprising and sometimes just Stonewall.   A year later, on the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, New York City hosted the first Pride March. Now every year, in June, the LGBTQ+ community and others worldwide participate in month-long celebrations commemorating the strength, courage, and pride that helped to liberate those who endured the raid and who still suffer from the lasting effects of the vengeful attack against humanity.       Pride + Progress Remembering Stonewall isn’t about a quick history lesson. It’s a grave reminder that our Pride Month celebrations are fueled by the injustices and sufferings endured in the past.  As society realizes that Pride Month is more than just marches and elegant beauty celebrating diversity, it should also start to embrace a spirit of inclusion. The LGBTQ+ community must feel valued, included, and respected, as all other groups demand. When people can overcome the harsh shackles that hold them behind the rest of the world, there is a breath of new life that forges a path for their future. Making sure our children are prepared to live in a world where fair is fair, right is right and beauty is beauty isn’t a new task. It’s a daunting task that we’ve faced for many generations. And, as we push to add progress to pride, we can move from simply remembering, honoring, and celebrating to accepting and understanding.     This blog is written by Jaquina Gilbert. author of our soon-to-release book, Diversity in the Workplace Essentials You Always Wanted To Know. The book discusses the topic of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and how organizations can leverage and embrace talents from diverse backgrounds to create an inclusive organizational culture.
Diversity in the Workplace Essentials- A Multi-Perspective View of Diversity in the 21st-Century Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace Essentials- A Multi-Perspective View of Diversity in the 21st-Century Workplace

by Vibrant Publishers on May 20, 2022
Introduction In the current socio-economic and cultural scenario, the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion are terms that continue to emerge and evolve as almost every global citizen reflects on their personal experiences. Diversity issues play a key role in the economic and cultural landscape of societies and countries today, as people become increasingly aware of their human rights and the treatment they’re subjected to in educational institutions, workplaces, and social spheres. Today, every action is viewed through the filter of diversity, and not knowing what these terms mean can result in unintentional insults or overlooking of crucial issues. In her upcoming book, Diversity in the Workplace Essentials You Always Wanted To Know (henceforth referred to as Diversity in the Workplace Essentials), author Jaquina Gilbert discusses why diversity is such an important topic today. Read the blog to find out why diversity is such an important topic today, especially in the context of the 21st-century workplace.  Workers Have Options Today, workers have countless opportunities to leverage their talents and skills through remote and gig work, flexible hours, independent contractor projects, and more. Employers who hope to gain and harness those talents must now prove the value they bring to the working relationship. Employees need to know that a company values them personally just as much as they value their skills. Expressing appreciation begins with establishing an organizational culture of diversity and inclusion. Industry leaders understand that while working to increase profits, enhance productivity, decrease attrition, and demonstrate social impact, they are also striving to become Employers of Choice. To do so, companies have to cultivate diverse and inclusive cultures capable of affecting systemic change within the organization, which also extend to the communities where their employees live.   The Challenge   To build trusting relationships, employees need to be heard, understood, and respected for their opinions and beliefs. But even more, they must be valued for who they are authentically.   Unfortunately, many companies do not understand why it is so difficult to foster such relationships.   Diversity Influences the Ability to Create, Manage, and Grow Successful Organizations Some surging organization pain points include the need to build more dynamic and diverse cultures driven by strong internal and external relationships. Leading organizations must recognize, respond to, and nurture diversity within and among individuals in the workplace. Learning to solicit and include the voices that are often ignored helps leaders achieve this goal. It also helps empower employees as the organization continues to grow successfully. Microaggressions to Privilege: From the Unavoidable to the Undeniable Microaggressions and other biases within an organization are unavoidable. Without being acknowledged, these common occurrences will likely never be responded to or challenged. Companies that understand microaggressions and biases and how to fight against them will minimize the detrimental effects on the company culture. Similarly, in every organization, many individuals experience some level of privilege; whether it is gender, religious, status, or race-related, it is bound to exist. The key is to ignite conversations that expose these behaviors and benefits so that they become a part of the critical conversations essential to affecting change. When DE&I aligns with policies and practices Carefully thought-out humanistic solutions can be impactful.  The effort begins with understanding the historical context around race, religion, sex, gender, and other aspects of individual and collective identities. Combating challenges with information and insight helps devise the appropriate training, culture assessment, and awareness necessary to create practices and policies aligned with a more enlightened DE&I culture. Diversity in the Workplace Essentials is a compilation of these often overlooked aspects of diversity. This book introduces the historical influence of identity and diversity in the workplace and concisely explains challenging concepts to broaden diversity literacy   Professionals gain deeper insight into workplace impacts that may have traditionally been overlooked, disregarded, or misunderstood. The book teaches that diversity and inclusion are about progress, not punishment. It initiates a narrative of what it truly means to have a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. Focus areas include: Identity Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Organizational Culture Enhanced Diversity Literacy Leveraging Talent Laws, Practices, and Compliance Cultural Awareness Systemic Change   Diversity in the Workplace Essentials is available on NetGalley. Read and Review the book now! Diversity in the Workplace Essentials will be released in August. Stay tuned for the launch news.   This blog is written by Jaquina Gilbert, author of our upcoming book, Diversity in the Workplace Essentials which is to be released on 31st August 2022. She is also the author of Human Resource Management Essentials, already a part of our Self-Learning Management Series.