All Questions Answered About The Digital SAT®
by Vibrant Publishers
This digital SAT blog answers all the questions about the digital SAT scores, format, registration details, test dates, time limit, question types and much more.
If you’re reading this blog, it is likely that you have a ton of questions about the digital SAT® and are looking for accurate answers. Worry not; you have come to the right place. After reading this blog, all your doubts about the digital SAT will be cleared and you will have a better understanding of the new test.
This blog answers about the following:
- Difference between the paper SAT and digital SAT
- Digital SAT new format
- Is the Digital SAT adaptive?
- Test Time limit
- Digital SAT scoring
- Types of questions asked in the Reading and Writing section
- Types of questions asked in the Math section
- Official practice resources available for the digital SAT
- Additional resources available for digital SAT practice
- Essay section: Included or not?
- Can Digital SAT be taken at home?
- Breaks in the digital exam
- Exam Dates
- How to register for the digital SAT
- Registration fee for the digital SAT
What are the major differences between the paper and digital SAT?
Apart from the most important change of the test going digital, there are significant changes and differences in administering the test too.
- An on-screen calculator will be provided for the Math section.
- An on-screen timer will be provided so that you can keep track of your time.
- You will be able to flag your unattempted questions and can come back to them later. But note that you cannot go back to the previous module.
- You will receive your SAT scores faster.
- You can use your own device for the test or request one from the College Board.
- The test will be conducted 7 times a year.

What is the new format of the digital SAT?
The new digital SAT will be divided into two sections: Reading and Writing and Math. These sections will be further divided into two modules. The Reading and Writing section will have 54 questions out of which 4 will be pretest questions and the Math section will have 44 questions including 4 pretest questions. The new test will be Multi-stage Adaptive.
What is Multi-stage Adaptive Testing in SAT?
In the paper-and-pencil SAT, questions were preset regardless of a student’s performance. The difficulty level of questions was also preset so students didn’t get a fair testing experience. That is why, in the digital test, the College Board has introduced the Multi-stage Adaptive Testing model. In this model, sections are divided into two modules, and questions in the second module are modified according to the performance of the student in the first module.
What is the time limit for the digital SAT?
The new test is shorter compared to the paper test. The paper test is 3 hours and 45 minutes long which is difficult for most students to sit for. Thanks to the shift to the digital mode, the digital SAT will be only 2 hours and 14 minutes long. You will be given 64 minutes for the Reading and Writing section and 70 minutes to solve the Math section.
How will the new SAT be scored?
The scoring parameters will be the same for the new test. You will be scored on a scale between 400-1600. The main difference in the scoring process is that now you will receive your scores faster. Previously it took months to get your SAT scores, but now, you will get them in a matter of weeks.
What kind of questions will be asked in the Reading and Writing section of the digital SAT?
The passages have become much shorter in the new test with a word limit of 150 words. They will cover various topics like prose fiction, poetry, drama, literary nonfiction, history, social studies, humanities, science, etc. The questions in this section will be based on four content domains - Information and Ideas, Craft and Structure, Expression of Ideas, and Standard English Conventions. This means that you will be tested on your ability to identify the key idea of the passage, choose the most suitable answer choice for a passage, interpret the purpose and main idea of a passage or poem, etc.What kind of questions will be asked in the digital SAT Math section?
The Math section will now have more questions on geometry and trigonometry and will incorporate real-world problems. The questions will be shorter with the majority of them being fewer than 50 words. You will mainly be asked questions on four domains of math - Algebra, Advanced Math, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Geometry and Trigonometry. In this section, you will be asked to solve algebraic equations, interpret the data in graphs and figures, analyze problems, etc.
Are there any official practice resources available for the digital SAT? How do I prepare for the digital SAT?
The College Board has provided sample questions for the Reading and Writing and Math sections. Khan Academy provides detailed lessons on each type of question with interactive videos.
To get hands-on experience with the test, the College Board also provides 4 practice tests in their Bluebook software. These tests are non-adaptive but will give you a gist of the digital testing experience.
Are there any additional resources for practicing for the digital SAT?
The official resources may not be sufficient to prepare for the test. To appear for the test, you need to practice and practice some more. Vibrant has a collection of 1100 SAT practice questions through which you can get better at answering questions and score higher. The questions are compiled into 3 books that will be launched in March 2023.

Book 1: The book, Digital SAT Reading and Writing Practice Questions is a compilation of 300 practice questions with detailed answer explanations for each question.
Book 2: Practice Tests For The Digital SAT is a set of 5 practice tests that are curated to give you a true experience of the test and make you well-versed with its format and question types.
Book 3: Digital SAT Math Practice Questions comprises 300 math practice questions along with detailed answer explanations and distractor explanations.
These practice questions, though not in the digital format, are a great way for you to practice and get well-versed with all types of questions that will be asked in the test.
Will the digital SAT have an essay?
No, the digital SAT will not have an essay. The SAT essay was scrapped from the linear test in 2021 and will not be a part of the digital test.
Can you take the digital SAT at home?
The digital SAT will not be allowed to be taken from home. The test will be administered in a testing center with a proctor only. You can find out SAT test centers in your country by clicking here. If you can’t find an official SAT test center near you, the College Board also has a customer service number for assistance.
Will there be any breaks in the digital SAT?
You will get a 10-minute break between the Reading and Writing and Math sections. You will only have one break in between the test as the duration of the test has become shorter significantly. In the paper SAT, students got 3 breaks between the test.
When can I take the digital SAT?
International students can appear for the SAT from 2023. Below are the dates released by the College Board for students appearing for it in 2023.
How to register for the digital SAT?
- Go to www.collegeboard.org and sign in to your account. If you don’t have an account, create one.
- Click on the ‘Register Now’ option for the SAT and fill in your details.
- Choose your test center and test date.
- Upload your photograph.
- Pay the registration fee and you’re done!
What is the registration fee for the digital SAT?
The registration fee for U.S. students is $60. For non-US residents, a regional fee of $49 is levied so they have to pay $109 in total. If you are taking the SAT in India, the UK, Singapore, Malaysia, etc, you will have to pay the regional fee.
Remember that SAT is not necessarily a test of your vocabulary or mathematical aptitude; it’s rather a test of your problem-solving and comprehension skills. So focus on getting a deeper and more thorough understanding of the question types. As with any change, preparing for the digital SAT will be a little chaotic in the beginning but by solving the practice questions for the digital SAT, you will be well-prepared to ace the exam. Stay tuned to our blogs to get the most relevant and latest information and resources about the digital SAT.
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